"Xenia has streamlined Flirt Retail Stores' daily operations, enhancing store cleanliness, safety processes, and equipment management across all locations.

Flirt Retail Stores harnesses Xenia to revolutionize retail operations across 14 stores, boosting efficiency and ensuring consistent service quality.
Business Highlights
Number of Locations:
Xenia Client Since:
Use Case
Multi-unit operations Brand standards & process adherence Multi-department real-time communication
Before Xenia


Lack of Tech Savviness: Regional managers lacked familiarity with digital tools, hindering operational efficiency.
Absence of Digital Safety Process: Paper-based processes made reporting & resolving issues slow.
Inefficient Equipment Tracking: There was no system to record or track equipment, complicating maintenance and repairs.
After Xenia


Enhanced Tech Adoption: Xenia's easy-to-use Mobile/Tablet app was quickly adopted by managers/staff, significantly speeding up process rollout.
Streamlined Safety Processes: Introduced a digital system for incident and safety logging, enhancing compliance and responsiveness.
Robust Equipment Management: Established a comprehensive digital asset register, improving tracking and maintenance.

Our Story

Flirt Retail Stores, initially a single adult retail store in Bathurst, New South Wales, expanded rapidly from four to 14 stores within two years. Liz Carter, leveraging her extensive experience from years of experience in the fast-casual restaurant and retail industries, joined as COO to professionalize and streamline operations amidst this fast growth. The company now employs nearly 50 people and faces the challenges of maintaining consistency and efficiency across its expanding network.

Searching for Solutions

Upon joining Flirt, the Company's COO immediately recognized the need for a robust operational platform to replace outdated processes and manual logs that were failing to support the business's rapid growth. She sought a solution that was not only cost-effective but also versatile enough to handle multiple operational facets from safety to equipment management.

Flirt follows a robust set of daily opening, mid-day, and closing procedures to ensure all stores are maintained up to brand standards. The company wanted to take these manual processes digital, so that new hires and existing hires could interface with an organized solution, where digital records are stored, and issues are flagged, tracked, & resolved.

Xenia Impact

Flirt Retail Stores embarked on a quest for operational excellence by adopting Xenia's workforce operations platform. Seeking consistency across locations, Xenia replaced informal communication with a structured digital system, enhancing managerial efficiency and reducing administrative burden. Its intuitive design and scalability facilitated seamless integration of new stores, setting the stage for ongoing success.

Customizable Daily Checklists & Issue Flagging

Flirt Retail Stores implemented Xenia to streamline their daily operations, including store opening, mid-day checks, and closing procedures. With Xenia's customizable checklist feature, Flirt could tailor each checklist to meet specific needs, ensuring consistency and adherence to brand standards. Managers easily assigned tasks, tracked progress, and received real-time updates on checklist completion / failures, leading to improved operational efficiency and reduced errors.

Efficient Work Requests and Maintenance Cost Tracking

Xenia's Work Requests feature revolutionized how Flirt handled repair requests and maintenance work orders. Employees from any retail store location can submitted requests directly through the Xenia platform automatically notifying key team members. Managers can swiftly accept/decline, prioritize, and assign tasks, ensuring timely resolution and minimizing downtime. Centralized record-keeping provided valuable insights into maintenance trends and costs, empowering data-driven decisions and optimizing the maintenance strategy for cost savings and operational excellence.

30% Reduction in Operational Downtime: Streamlined daily store checks, equipment management and maintenance.
100% Digital Compliance Tracking: Ensured all safety incidents and equipment issues are logged digitally.
50% Increase in Managerial Efficiency: Through structured digital communication and task management.

"With Xenia, the standout feature is the uniformity it brings across all our stores. Each morning, I receive updates, allowing me to monitor store activities effortlessly."

Chief Operating Officer
Manage internal operations across all 14 retail stores.

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