Supercharge your operation. Get started with Xenia.

Xenia is perfect for individuals and teams of all sizes. Start for free.
Bill Monthly
Bill Yearly (Save up to 45%)
$0 Free Forever
for up to 5 users
Sign Up for Free
For small teams who want to go digital with tasks, checklists and more
Free includes:
  • 5 Users
  • Checklist Template Builder
  • 25 Tasks & Work Orders
  • 1 Recurring Schedule
  • Reports (PDF & CSV)
  • Template Reports (PDF)
Starting from
$79 /mo
Includes 15 users
Starting from
$99 /mo
Includes 15 users
Sign Up for Free
For teams who want a simple way to manage task, work orders & inspections
Includes free, plus:
  • $10 per additional user per month
  • 3 Recurring Schedules
  • Conditional Logic
  • 50 Tasks & Work Orders
  • Work Calendar View
  • Work Reports (PDF & CSV)
  • Assets
  • Sub-Locations
Let’s chat
Get a Demo
For businesses who need dedicated support, training and integrations.
Includes premium, plus:
  • Unlimited Users
  • Site Hierarchy & Membership
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Onboarding & Implementation
  • Integrations
Add-on Features
  • Site/Location Hierarchy
  • Multi-Workspace
  • QR Codes
  • Temperature Monitoring
  • Requests & Approvals
Complete Features List
Users included in plan
Abilty to add more users
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new users
Tasks & Work Orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo and Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location Based Roles, Access & Logic
Available only on Multi-unit plans
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Sub Assets
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboards
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Creation & Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Routing & Assignment
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Live Status Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Approval Workflows
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Training and Onboarding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Complete Features List
Users Included in Plan
Ability to add more users
Cost per new user
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
Calendar View
Download PDF & CSV Reports
Time Tracking
Cost Tracking
Task Templates
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
Automated Submission Notifications
Shareable Web Reports
Make Forms Public
Template Automations
Advanced Template Features
QR Codes
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
QR Codes
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
Custom Dashboard Builder
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
Request Creation & Management
Request Routing & Assignment
Live Status Notifications
Approval Workflows
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
Dedicated Account Manager
Training and Onboarding
Get a Demo
Users Included in Plan
Ability to add more users
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new user
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
Cost Tracking
Task Templates
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
Automated Submission Notifications
Shareable Web Reports
Make Forms Public
Template Automations
Advanced Template Features
QR Codes
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
QR Codes
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
Request Creation & Management
Request Routing & Assignment
Live Status Notifications
Approval Workflows
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
Dedicated Account Manager
Training and Onboarding
Get a Demo
Users Included in Plan
Ability to add more users
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new user
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
Request Creation & Management
Request Routing & Assignment
Live Status Notifications
Approval Workflows
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
Training and Onboarding
Users Included in Plan
Ability to add more users
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new user
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Creation & Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Routing & Assignment
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Live Status Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Approval Workflows
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Training and Onboarding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Bill Monthly
Bill Yearly (Save up to 45%)
Let’s chat
Let’s chat
Get a Demo
Go digital with your operational execution with a modern app
  • Multi-Unit Management
  • Task Scheduling & Projects
  • Checklist Template Builder
  • Conditional Logic & Automations
  • Equipment Lists & Service Reminders
  • Reporting
  • Mobile & Tablet App
Let’s chat
Get a Demo
Tailored workflows, analytics, and support for multi-location businesses north of 10 locations
Includes premium, plus:
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Onboarding & Implementation
  • Integrations
  • Template Digitization Support
Add-on Features
  • SSO
  • QR Codes
  • Temperature Monitoring
  • Requests & Approvals
  • Custom Reporting
Complete Features List
Users & Locations
Users included in plan
Locations included in plan
Abilty to add more location
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new users
Tasks & Work Orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo and Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Limited to plan
Limited to plan
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location Based Roles, Access & Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Sub Assets
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboards
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Creation & Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Routing & Assignment
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Live Status Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Approval Workflows
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Training and Onboarding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Complete Features List
Get a Demo
Users & Locations
Users Included in Plan
Locations Included in Plan
Ability to add more Locations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new Location
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
Cost Tracking
Task Templates
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
Automated Submission Notifications
Shareable Web Reports
Make Forms Public
Template Automations
Advanced Template Features
QR Codes
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
QR Codes
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
Request Creation & Management
Request Routing & Assignment
Live Status Notifications
Approval Workflows
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
Dedicated Account Manager
Training and Onboarding
Get a Demo
Users & Locations
Users Included in Plan
Locations Included in Plan
Ability to add more Locations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new Location
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
Request Creation & Management
Request Routing & Assignment
Live Status Notifications
Approval Workflows
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
Training and Onboarding
Users & Locations
Users Included in Plan
Locations Included in Plan
Ability to add more Locations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost per new Location
Tasks & Work orders
Basic Task Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Scheduling
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Recurring Task Schedules
Create Work Orders with Photos
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Calendar View
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Download PDF & CSV Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Time Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Cost Tracking
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Task Templates
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Operations Templates
Template Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Active Templates
Template Submissions
Pre-Built Template Library
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Corrective Actions
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Conditional Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Logo & Branding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Automated Submission Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Shareable Web Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Make Forms Public
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Automations
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Advanced Template Features
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Location Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Location based Roles, Access & Logic
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Asset Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Asset Servicing & Reminders
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
QR Codes
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Basic Pre-Built Reports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
PDF & CSV Exports
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Custom Dashboard Builder
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Individual Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Group Chats
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Public Feed
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Document Management
Document Access Control
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
File Uploads
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Folder Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
AI SOP/Document Generator
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Work Requests
Public Work Request Portal
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Creation & Management
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Request Routing & Assignment
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Live Status Notifications
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Approval Workflows
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Email Support
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Onboarding Calls
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Digital Knowledge Base
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Template Digitization
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Dedicated Account Manager
checkmark to show availability of the feature.
Training and Onboarding
checkmark to show availability of the feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Find our FAQs here. If your question hasn't been answered here, contact us.

Which pricing plan is best for me?

How does our pricing work?

What happens if I cancel my plan?

Can I change my plan?

Growing with 10,000+ customers, rapidly!

Demos restaurant logo
"Implementing Xenia has seamlessly knit together our multiple locations, boosting operational standards to ensure every guest experiences our Demos and PDK excellence."

"Xenia streamlined our digital operations, eliminating the constant chatter over email and text messages while centralizing our standard operating procedures & alerts.”

Demos' Restaurant
President & Owner• Food & Beverage
Power Works Electrical logo
“I use Xenia all the time. I love it... For instance, I have a three-step estimating process... it works really well. Our use of Xenia's automations has made the process much easier.”

"Safety and operating procedures are absolutely critical for us. Xenia makes it extremely easy to use with as much flexibility as you could ever need."

Power Works Electrical
General Manager / Senior Estimator • Hospitality
Temp Stop logo
"There's more getting done. That's what we wanted. The managers are occupied, Xenia acts as a second set of eyes in the store, with its recurring tasks and digital audit trail.”

“Getting all of our employees across multiple locations to adhere to daily processes has been a challenge. Xenia’s checklist scheduling features have essentially eliminated that concern.”

Owner • Retail
Service source logo
"Xenia's inspection and audit tools have revolutionized our approach to compliance and safety. With Xenia, we've seen increased adherence to company policies reducing compliance-related issues and incidents.”

“The gamechanger for us was how quickly our employees were able to start using the solution; we all feel empowered by the speed of reporting an issue or completing an inspection right from the Mobile App.”

SVP of Operations • Nonprofit
Tipsy Putt logo
“Xenia enabled us to document our daily processes digitally, making the deployment of consistent operating processes & checklists across our restaurants instantaneous.”

"Xenia has been pivotal in optimizing our daily operations, ensuring each location upholds our high standards of service and safety.”

Tipsy Putt
Chef / Operator • Hospitality