Time Spent per Work Order

Time Spent per Work Order is the time spent from when a work order was created to when it was completed.

What is Time Spent per Work Order?

Time Spent per Work Order is just as it sounds - the time spent from when a work order was created to when it was completed. It includes all time spent in the work order, including:

  • Time spent on activities
  • Time spent waiting for another activity to finish before moving on
  • Time spent waiting for a piece of equipment to become available

Why Is Knowing Your Team’s Time Spent per Work Order Important?

Time spent per work order is a metric that can help you to see how long it takes for your team to complete a given task. By tracking this information, you can make sure that you're staying on track and hitting your goals.

Knowing your team’s time spent per work order is important because it gives you a better idea of how much time they need to complete each task. This will help you allocate your employees effectively, allowing them to complete more tasks in less time. It is essential to note that this is not just about the time spent working on a given task; it is also about the time that passes between when it is assigned and when it is completed.

It also helps you avoid having too many or too few employees working on a given project. If there are too many people working on one task, it could cause confusion and slow down the project. On the other hand, if there aren’t enough people on the team for a given project, it can leave everyone feeling overworked and stressed out.

This information can also help you set fair pay rates for each employee based on their role within the company. If a team member spends too much time on certain projects than others, then they should be compensated accordingly so that they don’t feel taken advantage of by their employer or underpaid compared to other workers doing similar jobs within the company.

How Do I Reduce My Time Spent per Work Order?

The best way to reduce time spent per work order is to have a clear and structured process in place.

When you have a defined process in place, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to complete a work order, as well as the number of errors that occur.

The following steps will help you create an efficient workflow:

  1. Gather all the necessary information about what needs fixed. Ensure accuracy and proper communication to reduce confusion
  2. Understand employee skillsets to assign the best person for each work order.
  3. Provide Standardized operating procedures for each job

This process can be improved through using a work order management system, like Xenia. By centralizing all communication and work audits, Xenia provides managers peace of mind and accurate metrics to measure operational improvements.