Work Order

Work Orders are formal documents that outline work that needs completed, allows for frontline input and can be stored and measured over time.

Work Order

A work order refers to a task or job that is assigned to a staff member for completion. Work orders can be follow ups to inspections, walk throughs or audits as well as reactive maintenance processes to repair equipment. Work orders are formal documents, either paper or digital, that describe the exact process needed to be completed and allow for notes, records and other details to be recorded during the work effort. 

A good work order includes:

  • Work order unique identification number
  • Task description
  • Location of work order
  • Prerequisites needed to complete job
  • Requested staff or department
  • Assigned staff or department
  • Projected completion date

Work orders have traditionally been assigned, tracked and measured through the use of templated forms that can be printed out and completed with pen or pencil. These work order forms are useful and easy to understand, allowing for standardization of work order completion. If your team needs this, try Xenia’s free work order form.

Paper vs Digital Work Order Systems

Modern businesses have transitioned from pen and paper to digital work order systems due to the lack of storage, measurement and shareability of paper work orders. Digital work order systems are more easily customized, more efficient and can be analyzed over time to discover trends in equipment issues.