"Xenia streamlined our operations, enhancing efficiency, client satisfaction, and revenue protection."

Power Works Electrical enhanced its estimating and safety processes, boosting efficiency and client satisfaction. Digitization ensured operational excellence, increasing productivity and revenue.
Business Highlights
Number of Locations:
Xenia Client Since:
Use Case
Site safety & quality control Equipment management Estimation process management
Before Xenia


Estimating Challenges: Power Works Electrical's estimating process was time-consuming, making it hard to manage multiple estimates accurately
Lack of Digital Safety Documentation: The company relied on manual safety logs and documentation, leading to compliance challenges and difficulty in quickly accessing vital safety records.
Ineffective Service Work Order Management: Managing service work orders was cumbersome due to paper-based systems, resulting in lost orders and revenue leakage due to inefficiencies in tracking and billing.
After Xenia


Streamlined Estimating Process: With Xenia, Power Works Electrical cut estimating processing times by 40%, enabling the team to manage multiple estimates with greater accuracy and efficiency.
Enhanced Safety Documentation Compliance: The digitization of safety procedures and logs through Xenia improved compliance and reporting, making it easier to share information with clients and maintain a safe work environment.
Optimized Service Work Order System: The transition to digital work orders significantly minimized lost orders, ensuring all services are accurately billed and contributing to a 25% increase in revenue protection.

Our Story

Power Works Electrical was founded in 2004 and specializes in providing top-tier electrical solutions, Power Works is dedicated to enhancing community safety, promoting sustainable energy practices, and delivering unparalleled service to clients. Driven by a vision of excellence and a passion for progress, the company has become a trusted partner in electrical services, continually exceeding expectations with a focus on efficiency and client satisfaction.

As Power Works Electrical expanded its operations, the need for streamlined processes and enhanced operational efficiency became apparent. The introduction of Xenia marked a pivotal turn in their story, empowering them to optimize daily operations, from estimating to safety documentation and service work order management. Xenia's comprehensive suite of tools, including digital checklists, QR code scanning for easy form access, and real-time reporting, has revolutionized how Power Works manages its projects and interacts with clients. The ability to maintain digital audit trails and efficiently manage project estimations directly from mobile devices has significantly improved productivity and client engagement.

Power Works Electrical's partnership with Xenia underscores a shared commitment to leveraging technology for operational excellence. Through Xenia, Power Works has not only streamlined internal workflows but also enhanced the quality of service delivered to clients. Together, Power Works and Xenia are setting new standards in the electrical services industry, one connection at a time.

Searching for Solutions

As Power Works Electrical navigated the complexities of a rapidly expanding market, it became increasingly clear that certain operational practices required significant enhancement to sustain growth and maintain service excellence. A critical area identified was the estimating process. Traditionally reliant on manual calculations and paper-based tracking, this vital function was time-consuming and prone to errors, impeding the ability to quickly and accurately respond to client inquiries and project bids. The need for a more streamlined, efficient, and accurate estimating process was paramount to improving productivity and ensuring competitive edge in the fast-paced electrical services sector.

Another operational challenge centered around safety documentation and service work order management. With an expanding team and a growing list of projects, managing these essential components through traditional, paper-based systems was no longer viable. The lack of a centralized digital system led to inconsistencies in safety protocols across projects, potential compliance risks, and difficulties in tracking and executing service orders efficiently. These issues not only posed potential safety hazards but also affected client satisfaction levels and risked revenue loss due to mismanaged or lost work orders.

These operational inefficiencies highlighted a pressing need for a robust digital solution that could simplify and automate these processes. Power Works Electrical sought a platform that could not only address these specific challenges but also offer scalability and flexibility to adapt to future growth and evolving industry standards. The goal was to find a tool that could unify the team under standardized practices, enhance operational visibility, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and safety excellence.

Xenia Impact

Streamlined Estimating Process:

  • Automated multi-step estimating reduced manual input and errors.
  • Enabled swift, accurate client quotes, enhancing productivity and project volume handling.

Enhanced Safety Documentation:

  • Centralized digital system for easy creation, tracking, and reporting of safety documents.
  • Ensured consistent adherence to safety standards across projects, improving compliance and workplace safety.

Optimized Service Work Order Management:

  • Digital forms and checklists streamlined job logging, tracking, and billing processes.
  • Minimized lost revenue potential and enhanced client satisfaction with transparent and timely communications.

Overall Operational Efficiency:

  • Reduced administrative overhead through digitization of processes.
  • Enabled scalable, efficient management of growth and maintained competitive edge in the electrical services industry.
40% Reduction in Estimating Processing Times
30% Improvement in Safety Documentation Compliance
100% Work Order Service Coverage

"I use Xenia all the time. I love it... For instance, I have a three-step estimating process... it works really well. Our use of Xenia's automations has made the process much easier."

General Manager / Senior Estimator
Estimations and safety process management

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