What is the role of a school gifted teacher?
The role of a school gifted teacher is to provide an educational experience for students with exceptional intellectual ability. This can be accomplished in several ways, including the use of advanced curriculum or materials, small class sizes and/or individualized instruction, and differentiated instruction.
Gifted students need to be able to explore their interests at their own pace without being held back by age or grade level expectations. They also need to be challenged by teachers who understand that they are capable of much more than other students their age.
What are the qualifications of a school gifted teacher?
While many schools rely on a single gifted teacher to provide quality instruction for their students, it is important to note that, in order to be an effective teacher of the gifted and talented, one must meet certain qualifications.
The first qualification is having a strong academic background and experience. A school's gifted teacher should have completed at least two years of college, preferably with a degree in education or psychology. They should also have experience teaching other students who were gifted and/or talented.
The second qualification is having good communication skills and being able to relate well with children. The school's gifted teacher should be able to communicate clearly with parents, students, and teachers while being able to understand what each child needs at home as well as in the classroom. This includes being able to explain difficult concepts in ways that are easy for young minds to understand without dumbing down the material too much or making it too complex for them either.
A third qualification is having an excellent rapport with other teachers and staff members at the school where they work so that they can collaborate effectively with them on projects involving both gifted students as well as those who need extra help during class time due to learning disabilities.
How much does a school gifted teacher make per year?
There are several factors that can affect how much an school gifted teacher earns. The first factor is the number of years of experience the person has. Second, is the level of degree the individual has. Other factors that impact how much an school gifted teacher makes include:
- The size of the school district
- The number of students in the district
- The cost of living in their state or city
- The amount of public funding for education
- The number of schools in their district
Below is a the range of school gifted teacher salaries from leading websites: