Blended or Hybrid Course

A blended course is a combination of online and in-person learning usually taught by faculty members and include both online content and face-to-face time with the teacher or professor.

What is a Blended or Hybrid Course?

A blended course is a combination of online and in-person learning. It's also called "hybrid" or "blended" learning. Blended courses are usually taught by faculty members and include both online content and face-to-face time with the teacher or professor. 

How can a teacher make blended courses more effective?

Blended courses combine online learning with in-person meetings. In a blended course, students are expected to complete some assignments online, while others are completed in person. Blended courses have many benefits over traditional courses: they're more convenient for students who don't live near campus, they allow professors to get to know their students better, and they help students connect with one another. However, it's important that professors make sure their blended courses are effective by making sure that the online portion of their course is engaging and easy to use.

Here are some tips for making your blended course effective:

  • Make sure the online portion is engaging and interesting. You can do this by incorporating multimedia elements (videos, audio clips) into your online content. If you're using a platform like Blackboard or Canvas as your learning management system (LMS), make sure you integrate these multimedia elements into any activities that require them.
  • Make sure your online materials include an interactive element (like a quiz or discussion board). This will encourage students to complete these activities instead of just reading through them passively.