ADD/ADHD is a neurobiological disorder that affects the parts of the brain responsible for attention, impulse control, and motor function.

What is ADD/ADHD?

ADD/ADHD is a neurobiological disorder that affects the parts of the brain responsible for attention, impulse control, and motor function. It is characterized by inattentiveness and hyperactivity, which often interferes with a child's ability to focus on schoolwork and complete assignments.

In the education industry, there are two types of ADHD: inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive. The inattentive type is characterized by disorganization and distractibility, while the hyperactive/impulsive type is characterized by restlessness and constant fidgeting. The two types can co-occur in some children. These symptoms can make it difficult for students to focus on their schoolwork or participate in class activities. In fact, research has shown that students with ADD/ADHD often struggle academically, which can lead to lower GPAs and higher dropout rates.

Educators should understand how to identify these symptoms in order to provide students with appropriate accommodations that will help them succeed academically.

Why Is Knowing Symptoms of ADD/ADHD Important for Educators?

When it comes to ADD/ADHD and its symptoms, educators have a unique role to play. They are tasked with the responsibility of helping their students succeed in school, and that means being aware of any conditions that might affect their learning.

Educators should be able to recognize the signs of ADD/ADHD so they can provide support for students who may need it. In some cases, educators may even be able to identify children who are struggling with the condition before they become symptomatic, which can help them get diagnosed early on and start receiving treatment sooner rather than later.

How Can Schools Manage Symptoms of ADD/ADHD Students Within Classrooms?

It is important to understand that ADD/ADHD is a disorder that affects the brain and behavior, not a child's will or intelligence. It is also important to understand that the condition is lifelong, but symptoms can be managed with the right treatment. Doctors often prescribe medication to help manage symptoms such as impulsiveness and hyperactivity, but a school nurse or counselor may also recommend behavioral therapy for some students with ADD/ADHD.

The best way for schools to manage children with ADD/ADHD is by creating an environment where they feel safe and supported. This means giving them routine breaks throughout the day and providing them with an individualized learning plan filled with special accommodations so they can succeed academically. Schools can also ensure that their classrooms are equipped with resources such as timers and alarms to help enforce this support.