Hotel Food and Beverage Director

Food and Beverage Directors oversee all restaurant, bar and room service operations, ensuring quality service and a positive guest experience.

Hotel Food and Beverage Director: Role, Responsibilities & Resources

Hotel Organization Chart - Food and Beverage Director

The Hotel Food and Beverage Director oversees all operations related to the planning, preparation and success of food and beverage operations within a hotel. This includes restaurant operations as well as other services such as catering, bar, and room service. The Food and Beverage Director reports directly to the General Manager and oversees the food and beverage shift workers.

What are a Hotel Food and Beverage Director's responsibilities?

Hotel Food and Beverage Directors are responsible for:

  • Oversees restaurant operations
  • Oversees banquets and events
  • Oversees room service
  • Menu setting and input purchasing
  • Controlling costs and maximizing profits
  • Quality control and food safety
  • Competitive analysis and strategy
  • Represents food and beverage teams in management meetings
  • Ensure oversight into maintenance and operations
  • Division staff recruiting training and certification control

What is a Hotel Food and Beverage Director's Annual Salary?

Hotel Food and Beverage Director's salary can vary a lot depending the following factors:

  • Is the property independent or corporate?
  • What is the market the property competes in?
  • Where is the property located?
  • How many rooms are in the property?
  • What is the experience level of the applicant?
  • How is the overall job market demand?

There are many more factors that contribute to salary data variation, so most sites provide salary information in a range to ensure that there is proper coverage. The table below shows the latest salary ranges for Hotel Food and Beverage Director's across the major salary reporting platforms:

2022 Hotel Food and Beverage Director Salaries

What are characteristics of a typical Hotel Food and Beverage Director?

Hotel Food and Beverage Director

The average age of an Hotel Food and Beverage Director is 38 and average education level is a culinary school or bachelors degree. Beyond education, a good Food and Beverage Director has at least 5 to 7 years of industry experience and has managed teams before.  Food and Beverage Director must be able to manage multi-national teams and should speak multiple languages. They need to be able to motivate and set standards for their teams to achieve, as well as provide recruiting and training for new staff members.

Average Age: 38

Average Education Level: Culinary School / Bachelors Degree

Average Salary Range: $70,000 - $100,000

Industry Experience: 5-7 years

Management Experience: 2-3 years

Key Traits:

  • Quality cooking and menu selection
  • Financial literacy
  • Detail Oriented
  • Organized
  • Great communicator
  • Lead by example
  • Able to manage people in high stress
  • Understands hotel operations

Top Resources for an Hotel Food and Beverage Director

Xenia offers tons of free educational resources for frontline teams. For Hotel Food and Beverage Director, we recommend visiting: